A6 GPRS Pro Series GSM GPRS core module Developemnt Board TTL RS232 with wireless antenna GPRS data module replace SIM900 COM31


This is professional standard of the GSM / GPRS version of basic development based on GPRS A6 module Supports dual band GSM / GPRS network, available for remote data transmission of GPRS and SMS messages.

6 in stock

SKU: 8363BRD Category:


This is professional standard of the GSM / GPRS version of basic development based on GPRS A6 module Supports dual band GSM / GPRS network, available for remote data transmission of GPRS and SMS messages.
The board has a compact size and low current consumption. With the technique of saving energy, the current consumption is as low as 3mA in idle mode. It is transmitted with microcontroller through the UART port, it supports the command including GSM 07.05, GSM 07.07 and the thinker Ai improved in the commands.
-Frequency of work: quad-band network 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
-Voltage of operation: 4.8-9VDC (Board of voltage regulator of power supply for A6 module)
-Operating current: maximum of 2A
-Dream current: 5 mA
– Integrated Micro SIM card support, you can install Micro SIM card
-Infrared Micro USB interface for external power supply
-Communication interface: serial port TTL / RS232 serial port
-Baud rate: BPS and can also be configured to command.
-Logical interface voltage: 3.3 V
-Make and answer phone calls with headphones and electric microphone.
-Send and receive SMS messages.
-Send and receive GPRS data (TCP / IP, HTTP, etc.).
-A test Ai-thinker GPRS A6 module
-Passo of the Pin: 2,54mm
-Interface antenna interface: SMA and IPX
On the antenna:
-Suitable for SIM800L GSM modules / for Arduino SIM900 GPRS shield
Frequency: 780 MHz ~ 960 MHz 1710 MHz ~ 2170 MHz
Antenna profit: + 2.0 0.7 dBi @ 880 MHz, + 2.0 0.7 dBi @ 1800 MHz
-SWR <= 2.0 @ 2100 MHz ~ 2500 MHz
-Imperance output: 50 Ohm
-Interface antenna: SMA
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions 1.77 in x 1.77 in x 0.59 in (4.5 cm x 4.5 cm x 1.5 cm)
0.68 oz (19.3g)

Getting started with the A6 GPRS Pro Series GSM GPRS core module

In this Tutorials we are going to deal with A6 GPRS Pro Series GSM GPRS core module this is simple and easy to connect with Arduino

Step1: Hardware required

Step2: Connecting the Hardware

To start with, connect U_TxD and U_RxD pin on module to digital pin#2 and #4 on Arduino as we’ll be using software serial to talk to the module.

A6 GPRS Arduino UNO
U_TxD D2
U_RxD D4


Finally, connect the antenna, insert fully activated Micro SIM card in the socket.

Step3: Arduino Code – Testing AT Commands

For sending AT commands and communicating with the A6 module, we will use the serial monitor. The sketch below will enable the Arduino to communicate with the A6 module on serial monitor. Before we proceed with detailed breakdown of code, connect your Arduino to PC, compile below code and upload it to the Arduino.

Once you open a serial monitor, make sure that ‘Both NL & CR’ option is selected!


#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//Create software serial object to communicate with A6
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 4); //A6 Tx & Rx is connected to Arduino #2 & #4

void setup()
//Begin serial communication with Arduino and Arduino IDE (Serial Monitor)

//Begin serial communication with Arduino and A6


mySerial.println(“AT”); //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK
mySerial.println(“AT+CSQ”); //Signal quality test, value range is 0-31 , 31 is the best
mySerial.println(“AT+CCID”); //Read SIM information to confirm whether the SIM is plugged
mySerial.println(“AT+CREG?”); //Check whether it has registered in the network

void loop()

void updateSerial()
while (Serial.available())
mySerial.write(Serial.read());//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
Serial.write(mySerial.read());//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port

Testing the circuit

open your serial monitor by clicking on the icon in the right top corner(like search icon)

Now that we have established a basic connection, we will try to communicate with the A6 module by sending AT commands.

AT – It is the most basic AT command. It also initializes Auto-baud’er. If it works you should see the AT characters echo and then OK, telling you it’s OK and it’s understanding you correctly! You can then send some commands to query the module and get information about it such as

AT+CSQ – Check the ‘signal strength’ – the first # is dB strength, it should be higher than around 5. Higher is better. Of course it depends on your antenna and location!

AT+CCID – get the SIM card number – this tests that the SIM card is found OK and you can verify the number is written on the card.

AT+CREG? Check that you’re registered on the network. The second # should be 1 or 5. 1 indicates you are registered to home network and 5 indicates roaming network. Other than these two numbers indicate you are not registered to any network.

Arduino Code – Sending SMS

Let’s move on to the interesting stuff. Let’s program our Arduino to send an SMS to any phone number you wish. Before trying the sketch out, you need to enter the phone number. Search for the string ZZxxxxxxxxxx and replace ZZ with county code and xxxxxxxxxx with the 10 digit phone number.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//Create software serial object to communicate with A6
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 4); //A6 Tx & Rx is connected to Arduino #2 & #4

void setup()
//Begin serial communication with Arduino and Arduino IDE (Serial Monitor)

//Begin serial communication with Arduino and A6


mySerial.println(“AT”); //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK

mySerial.println(“AT+CMGF=1”); // Configuring TEXT mode
mySerial.println(“AT+CMGS=\”+ZZXXXXXXXXXXX\””);//change ZZ with country code and xxxxxxxxxxx with phone number to sms
mySerial.print(“Faranux Electronics LTD | faranux.com”); //text content

void loop()

void updateSerial()
while (Serial.available())
mySerial.write(Serial.read());//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
Serial.write(mySerial.read());//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port

Arduino Code – Reading SMS

Now let’s program our Arduino to read incoming messages. This sketch is very useful when you need to trigger an action when a specific SMS is received. For example, when the Arduino receives an SMS, you can instruct it to turn on or off a relay. You got the idea!

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//Create software serial object to communicate with A6
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 2); //A6 Tx & Rx is connected to Arduino #3 & #2

void setup()
//Begin serial communication with Arduino and Arduino IDE (Serial Monitor)

//Begin serial communication with Arduino and A6


mySerial.println(“AT”); //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK

mySerial.println(“AT+CMGF=1”); // Configuring TEXT mode
mySerial.println(“AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0”); // Decides how newly arrived SMS messages should be handled

void loop()

void updateSerial()
while (Serial.available())
mySerial.write(Serial.read());//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
Serial.write(mySerial.read());//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port

Arduino Code – Making Call

Now let’s program our Arduino to make call. This sketch is very useful when you want your Arduino to make an SOS/distress call in case of emergency like temperature being exceeded or someone breaks into your house. You got the idea!

Before trying the sketch out, you need to enter the phone number. Search for the string ZZxxxxxxxxxx and replace ZZ with county code and xxxxxxxxxx with the 10 digit phone number.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//Create software serial object to communicate with A6
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 2); //A6 Tx & Rx is connected to Arduino #3 & #2

void setup()
//Begin serial communication with Arduino and Arduino IDE (Serial Monitor)

//Begin serial communication with Arduino and A6


mySerial.println(“AT”); //Once the handshake test is successful, i t will back to OK

mySerial.println(“ATD+ZZxxxxxxxxxx”); // change ZZ with country code and xxxxxxxxxxx with phone number to dial
delay(20000); // wait for 20 seconds…
mySerial.println(“ATH”); //hang up

void loop()

void updateSerial()
while (Serial.available())
mySerial.write(Serial.read());//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
Serial.write(mySerial.read());//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port